Frontenac Provincial Park - A Solo Backcountry Adventure
I wasn't going to let COVID get in the way of me having my (safe) hot girl summer. With that being said, I knew that international travel was out of the question, so I decided to keep it close to home. I've always wanted to go backcountry camping but always made excuses like, I have nobody to go with (why are all my friends day hikers?), I don't know how to use a compass, it's scary to be alone in the woods...the list goes on. It's always easier to not, at least until my desire to hike and to camp became greater than my fears. At some point, you just have to do it. Take a calculated risk. So I did. Three days, two nights, only a hike away from my car - limited danger. A quick Google told me that Frontenac Provincial Park was a great place to introduce myself to backcountry camping because the campsites are reservable (not a first-come, first-serve situation like at Algonquin), they have the amenities of car campsites (a picnic table, fire pit, tent pad (wow), animal...